Optimize, Personalize, Visualize: How To Increase Mobile Conversions On Your Site - NP GROUP

If you're looking to increase mobile conversions on your site, you might want to take a long, hard look at your approach to content and how you market to your visitors.

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Optimize, Personalize, Visualize: How To Increase Mobile Conversions On Your Site - NP GROUPNPG882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009If you're looking to increase mobile conversions on your site, you might want to take a long, hard look at your approach to content and how you market to your visitors.
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    New Possibilities Group

Optimize, Personalize, Visualize: How To Increase Mobile Conversions On Your Site

4 MinAUGUST 27, 2015

Increasing Mobile Conversions

As mobile browsing increasingly becomes the preferred method to find information, being able to convert visitors into paying customers is a challenge you can't ignore. The biggest hurdle is the customer expectation of being able to do things faster on a mobile device than a desktop.

And considering most mobile users are on the go and want information immediately, you have to make the content there worth their while.

It's no different than the philosophy behind e-commerce sites and converting someone into a paying customer. Speed and ease of use (or lack thereof) can make or break a sale, and the more steps you throw in someone’s way, the less likely they are to make a purchase. On your mobile site, you have to start thinking seriously about ways to get people to stick around.

With that in mind, let's consider some ways to increase conversions on your mobile site without using any hard-sell tactics. Remember: This is is about your visitors, not just about you. That means providing content and some new technologies that attract users naturally for a more personalized marketing process.

Making a More Personalized Optimization Experience

When you hear people talk about mobile optimization, you should realize it goes beyond just using general responsive design techniques. Far too many businesses try to cut as many corners as possible so their website is merely adequate enough for mobile. With so many details on your website, you're bound to miss something that doesn't quite fit well on a mobile screen.

The same goes for media content you use to market your business and how it translates when people watch it on a smartphone or tablet. Be sure to check how your site and content look on every mobile operating system so you can adjust things appropriately.

Everything you create for mobile requires ease of use, including simple ways for e-commerce. Integrating purchase options through an app is a great way to do this so the customer can gain a quicker understanding of the products or services you offer.

Responsive Web Design & Mobile Web Solutions

Using Mobile Coupons for More Targeted Marketing

New statistics show that mobile coupons are growing in popularity as a way for businesses to convert customers to buy online. In many cases, they are coupons that are easily usable in brick-and-mortar stores as a method toward more real-time marketing.

There isn't any question that real-time marketing will become widely used to capture people in the moment based on news events or location. This isn't to say mobile coupons aren't effective as a conversion technique strictly online as people do more mobile shopping.

Again, integrating mobile coupons with an app is a fun way to create faster conversions, plus as a form of targeted marketing. Find ways to create mobile coupons for segmented customers so they have a more personalized sales experience. A more personal coupon that's designed for a specific person is a true way to show you care about the customer and helping them save money.

More Visual Marketing Content

Videos and infographics fit better on a mobile screen because it supersedes any tiny text that can be hard to read. If you use any text, it’s best to use large typography with brief mottos or other short sentence structures to encapsulate what you do.

With videos, you'll want to make sure they format correctly on every mobile screen so they aren't ignored. Auto-play videos are annoying, so include a play button and use a caption or provocative thumbnail to coax users into watching.

Infographics are perfect for mobile because you have colorful graphics integrated with pertinent info about what you do. Particularly if you have overly extensive info you want to share, infographics can convince fickle mobile users that you've provided everything they need in one place.

Remember, optimizing your site for a mobile experience goes beyond design and even the technical makeup of your site. Knowing how to keep visitors’ attention is the best way to increase mobile conversions. By giving people the information that they want in a quick, easy context, they’re less likely to wander off and more likely to stick around, read, and convert.

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