Developing a website is no easy task, especially when it comes to niche industries like tech. Whether you’re targeting a B2B or B2C audience, a solid first impression and clear calls to action are just a few of the assets imperative to the success of your website.
That’s why understanding the common mistakes tech companies make with their websites can make it easier for you to build a functional website that will serve all of your goals and needs.
Once you understand these mistakes, you can learn how to avoid them and make your tech company website stand out from the crowd.
1. It Looks Just Like Your Competitors' Sites
Chances are, there are many other companies that offer the same services or products as yours. Your company, however, is set apart from the others in a number of different ways—and you're the one who knows exactly what they are.
As you design and develop your website, make sure that you show potential customers how your company is different from your competitors'. Be clear about what you have to offer that no one else does, whether it's a particular type of expertise, a focus on customer service that no one else has, or another critical aspect of your business.
2. Your Design Is Too Complex
When potential customers visit your website, they don't need flashy graphics or distracting pictures to be impressed. What they're looking for is simplicity: the ability to quickly and easy access the information they need most, without having to wade through irrelevant information.
Simplicity also works in your favor when it comes to mobile accessibility. When your website is designed simply, it will load faster and more smoothly no matter what device is being used.
3. You Skipped The Call to Action
Your calls to action are your ticket to convincing your customers to do what you want. Whether it's visiting another specific page, making a call to your company, or making a change in the setup of their computer or other device, you want to be very clear about what you expect of your visitors.
A call to action can help generate an action in your customers by telling them exactly what to do. And it's the perfect time to do it—they're engaged in your content, hooked by your words, and ready to respond. You just have to offer the instruction they need to do it right.
4. There Is No Newsletter Sign-Up Opportunity
Every time a visitor comes to your website, you have the chance to convert them into a new lead. One of the best ways to do that is by giving them an opportunity to subscribe to your newsletter.
Unfortunately, potential customers can't sign up for your newsletter if they can't find it! Like the rest of your website, this should be as simple as possible.
While there's plenty of information you'd like to discover about the visitors to your webpage, the more questions you ask, the more likely they'll be to skip signing up for your newsletter. Make newsletter signup forms as simple as possible, and make sure that they’re highly visible on your page.
5. Ignoring Your Website Once It's Up and Running
Your website should be dynamic and ever-changing. You should add new content on a regular basis. The fastest way to do this is to maintain a blog that contains important announcements for your business, describes new advances in your field, and offers tips and tricks that will help add value to your website for your visitors.
Not only will this help keep customers interested and let them know that you're still active and in business, it will increase your search engine rankings, which will bring in additional traffic.
Your website also requires regular maintenance. Many tech websites aren’t updated frequently enough to keep up with the times or the changing preferences of their audience. By making continuous improvements, you’ll be able to keep your site relevant and interesting at all times.
Understanding the common pitfalls of tech websites is one thing. Knowing how to avoid them is another thing entirely. The tech industry evolves quickly and chances are, so does your company. So why not make sure that your website is up to the task of representing that evolution and showcasing the best parts of what you have to offer?