Shames JCC Website Design & Development

The Shames JCC was an initial customer of the JCC Digital Co-Op and a launch JCC for our base CMS installation.

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Shames JCC Website Design & DevelopmentNPG882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009The Shames JCC was an initial customer of the JCC Digital Co-Op and a launch JCC for our base CMS installation.

Shames JCC Website Design & Development

Bringing custom design to a JCC community.


The Shames JCC website features functionality similar to many other JCCs which we have worked with. First, we worked with the customer to identify their brand guidelines and design preferences. Then, we delivered them multiple renditions of possible design directions. Upon choosing which concept was their favorite, we proceeded to design all subsequent modules and begin the development phase. This JCC works with a most customed e-commerce approach which we developed utilizing WordPress and the WooCommerce platform, by integrating that functionality into the base JCC Digital Co-Op base software package


Each JCC is the same, but different. This project utilized the JCC Digital Co-Op base CMS installation and also featured custom e-commerce components.