Our Work: Manhattan Cryobank: Manhattan Cryobank Website - NP Group

NP Group portfolio: Manhattan Cryobank Manhattan Cryobank Website Project Details

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Our Work: Manhattan Cryobank: Manhattan Cryobank Website - NP GroupNPG882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009NP Group portfolio: Manhattan Cryobank Manhattan Cryobank Website Project Details

Manhattan Cryobank Website

Custom Web Design, CMS Development, and E-Commerce Set-Up


Manhattan Cryobank is an innovative sperm bank that uses the latest genetic screening technology to help people select the best donor for expanding their family. They needed a website that was not only easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye, but that also allowed visitors to browse donor options and make purchases directly through the site.


The NP Group team gave the site a fresh, clean look and built a custom back-end that allows for a detailed donor database and an e-commerce element. The site also provides a wealth of information about the donor selection process, required documentation, and the other services that Manhattan Cryobank provides.