Custom Portal and Web Application Development

Web portals and web applications are perfect custom web development projects. Find out how we approach custom web development.

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Custom Portal and Web Application Development

882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009Web portals and web applications are perfect custom web development projects. Find out how we approach custom web development.

Custom Portal and Web Application Development

Custom web applications and portals are almost always better off being custom developed. Find out how we approach these types of projects.

Portals and Web Apps

Complex online communities, web portals, and other web applications such as SaaS (software-as-a-service) should almost never be taken off-the-shelf. The simple reason is that these types of projects are almost always customized beyond the capabilities of any off-the-shelf platform.

Web applications are typically called “applications” because of the problems they solve and the customized tools and methods used to solve them. There is almost never a reason why such an application would be taken off-the-shelf.

Furthermore, there is no value to building a SaaS platform on top of something off-the-shelf due to the fact that the software that would be provided isn’t special at all. It could be used by anyone!

Our approach to web application development is to take on each project with a thorough process of discovery, planning, and then execution. This allows us to offer a combination of custom application development, in conjunction with custom content management systems. Our strategy enables your software to be housed under one roof and not in bits and pieces.

Our Process: Video

Our team will work with you to ensure a seamless deployment and will be available to help you with any ongoing needs or requirements.


Our Process

We begin each project with the same methodology: learn, learn, and learn. Our team is experienced in taking your business problems or concepts and translating them into scalable, high-availability software solutions. The first step is always discovery: meeting with you and analyzing your ideas and creation of comprehensive specifications. Discovery will save you time, money, and heartache throughout the development process. It allows you to get to know your development team before signing a large contract while mitigating your risk in terms of future unknown costs.

After discovery, our team will work on a design and development plan to build your application to meet your specifications. This begins with the design of any user interface, development of the front-end experience, and completion of back-end tools and functionality.

After thorough quality assurance and testing, your project is ready for deployment. Our team will work with you to ensure a seamless deployment and will be available to help you with any ongoing needs or requirements.


There are many benefits of custom software to power your applications. First, you will be building an application to serve a purpose. Most of the time, that means some problem that needs solving. To have real value, your solution will require specific features and functionality. Custom building will enable you to approach those problems with total control over the way the application works. 

Also, custom built applications have significant value. For a start-up, the entire value of your business for the purposes of raising capital or a sale is based on not only your business, but the unique value your infrastructure brings. A hacked version of an off-the-shelf software is not a valuable asset to a partner, investor, or acquirer.


Never underestimate the importance of security for your website. Custom platforms enable you to secure your application as required by your industry or regulators. Custom software also flies under the radar of the automated systems that seeks to take advantage of vulnerable, well known systems.

Our Experience

We’ve been building custom applications on the web since 2001. Our past projects include:

Complex User Communities

Complex User Communities

We’ve developed complex user communities relying on administrative portals, front-end user permissions, and internal messaging.

Subscription Services

Subscription Services

We’ve worked on various content delivery services with subscription components and user-permissions.

SaaS Platforms

SaaS Platforms

Software-as-a-Service: We’ve worked on building SaaS platforms from the ground up including software and administrative management platforms.