Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance Audits - 508 Compliance, WCAG, VPAT

Our team of consultants has experience auditing websites and web applications for ADA compliance and accessibility standards.

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Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance Audits - 508 Compliance, WCAG, VPAT

882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009Our team of consultants has experience auditing websites and web applications for ADA compliance and accessibility standards.

Website ADA Accessibility Audits & Remediation Services

Websites need to maintain a level of accessibility to adhere to ADA compliant standards. Our audit services can identify issues and make recommendations for remediation.

Why Comply with ADA Standards?

The Americans with Disabilities Act became law in 1990, which was more or less the infancy of the world wide web. While many believe that ADA standards apply only to physical locations, the law has been interpreted to apply to digital settings. In recent years, there have been an uptick in drive-by lawsuits with legal teams demanding that website and mobile app operators work to adhere to accessibility standards or risk being sued.

Besides the legal reasons and the fact that you are compelled to comply, you should want to, in order to ensure fairness to those who legitimately need help accessing digital assets. As such, compliance with ADA standards should be a priority for any business owner.

Benefits of a Third-Party Audit

Unfortunately, the standards around ADA compliance and accessibility are loosely defined, hard to keep up with or understand, and difficult at times to remedy. Having a third-party run an ADA audit on your behalf makes it easy to identify the issues that are present, propose remedies, and proceed with generating ongoing plans to maintain compliance with the law.

What We Test

As part of our testing practice, we focus on the WCAG 2.0 guidelines. These guidelines were designed to make web content more accessible to all users who require assistance. As such, our team will test for functionality designed to aid and assist a wide range of disabilities, including blindness or low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and more.

Our Process

Each audit is different, but each also follows a similar script. First, we'll scope what the specific website, pages, templates and areas of concern will be reviewed. Then, we'll begin testing within those pre-agreed upon areas. Then, we'll aggregate a findings report, as detailed below, and present to you for your consideration and remediation.

Testing Methods

How do we conduct our audits? We use a variety of different techniques, including but not limited to the following:

Testing Software

Testing Software

We will utilize software packages available to streamline testing.

Human Analysis

Human Analysis

Our experts will review each page, template or content piece against WCAG 2.0.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

We utilize various tools as seen in practical usage.

Mobile / Responsive Testing

Mobile / Responsive Testing

We will test web properties utilizing mobile devices and associated assistive tools.

User Testing

User Testing

We'll test your property with real-world users.

Keyboard Only

Keyboard Only

We'll audit to make sure keyboard-only users are accommodated.

Findings Report & Presentation

When the audit and testing process is completed, we will then submit to you our findings. This can be via a screen share or in-person meeting. Our findings report average 25 - 35 pages, depending on the size of the sample and overall web property. Each report will contain the following sections:

Executive Overview
Identified Issues
Recommended Remedies
Severity Report
Examples & Test Methods