NPG’s COVID-19 Preparedness: We’re Open for Business - NP GROUP

NPG's response to recent current events.

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NPG’s COVID-19 Preparedness: We’re Open for Business - NP GROUPNPG882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009NPG's response to recent current events.
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    New Possibilities Group

NPG’s COVID-19 Preparedness: We’re Open for Business

1 MinMARCH 17, 2020

The current COVID-19 / Coronavirus situation is unprecedented in modern history. At NPG, we’ve responded accordingly to ensure the safety of our employees, vendors, and partners.

As of today, March 17th, we are 100% remote for our entire workforce. Our NJ and European offices are closed with all personnel working remotely. We have taken steps to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of our services, in a secure and efficient manner.

Prior to today, NPG was already partially distributed. In fact, our NJ office works from home one day a week throughout the year, and we have some personnel who are already 100% distributed. As such, we are not anticipating any issues maintaining our workflows and are open for normal business operations. 

As the saying goes, “This too shall pass”. Now more than ever, it isn’t a time to panic and hide, it’s time to evaluate and continue our efforts. When this does pass, and it will, economic activity will rebound, and we must all be in a position to best take advantage of it. 

With that said, we’re here to help. Whether it be a project or just some words of encouragement. In the coming weeks, we’ll be doubling our educational content to help our clients and readers best navigate these uncharted waters.

If there is anything we can do – please – do not hesitate to reach out.

--Pete Czech

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